Lupine Seed Planting Instructions

Enjoy these stunning perennial blooms for years, while thinking of them lining the coast of Maine.


LIGHT PREFERENCE: Sun to Partial Shade.

SOIL REQUIREMENTS: Average soil requirements, slightly acidic soil also works well.


GERMINATION: Soak your lupine seeds overnight to help promote a greater germination rate. Germination typically takes place 14-21 days when the seeds are 65-75°F (18-24°C).

SEED SOWING: Sow seeds between 4 and 8 weeks before planting them outside. You can sow 2-3 seeds directly into seeding trays (larger than 32s) or in individual containers. Place your seeds in a dark space, or apply a cover, because darkness helps the germination process. Once the first true leaves appear, think the sprouts out so there’s only one per seed cell or container. Harden off these seedlings and plant them outside in early spring. Lupine roots are extremely fragile, so please keep their new homes as weed free as possible. Please transplant out as soon as you’re able because the more established plants do not do as well.

DIRECT SEEDING: Plant seeds in early spring, as soon as soil can amended and the temperatures appear to be frost free. Sow 1/4" deep. Be sure to think out other seedlings once true leaves appear.

HARVEST: Harvest flowers once 2/3 of the blooms are open on the stem.